Yep ...we are all still patiently waiting for the day when the people from world's oldest continuing culture, holding the same legal rights as a rock on a track before 1967, the traditional owners of this land, are at least acknowledged in the Constitution of Australia as part of the development of a treaty and edge closer to true reconciliation.

Yep - we are all still waiting ....

17 Feb 2014

Baby Emu or Fish, Peats Ridge Rd, Calga

Appears as a baby emu from one angle or a fish from another
This engraving platform is clearly noticeable as one of the first road cuttings on Peats Ridge Road, Calga when travelling north from the F3. Barely visible the engraving appears as a baby emu or a fish. Must have been a significant rock ledge and engraving site prior to the road building as, unfortunately, is the custom is this area. Sadly this located on a significant aboriginal trade route that extends from the Newcastle area into the Gurringai lands.