Yep ...we are all still patiently waiting for the day when the people from world's oldest continuing culture, holding the same legal rights as a rock on a track before 1967, the traditional owners of this land, are at least acknowledged in the Constitution of Australia as part of the development of a treaty and edge closer to true reconciliation.

Yep - we are all still waiting ....

17 May 2014

Shield or Mundoe, F3, South East of Mt Kuringai Sacred Site

Large engraving - appears as a shield or large mundoe.
A number of large number of rock engraving platforms are located within the "watershed" that existed prior to the construction of the F3 north east of the Sacred Mt Kuringai Site. These sites are accessible via a 200 metre walk south of Emergency Bay 438. There are several rock platforms that perhaps have been slowly destroyed through road works and natural erosion.