Yep ...we are all still patiently waiting for the day when the people from world's oldest continuing culture, holding the same legal rights as a rock on a track before 1967, the traditional owners of this land, are at least acknowledged in the Constitution of Australia as part of the development of a treaty and edge closer to true reconciliation.

Yep - we are all still waiting ....

26 Dec 2014

Whale, F3 Freeway, Mount White

Whale Remains north of the Helipad

One engraving site that was damaged/destroyed during the construction of the F3 Freeway is to be found north of the Southern Exit to Mount White. The rock platform seems to be connected to others, including another on the western side of the freeway. All that remains is the whale head and a large circle. To the east is a fence (star pickets and barbed wire / updated to 8 foot steel mesh) that prevents access to another two large platforms - very strange indeed and not replicated as I have seen along other parts of the F3.