Yep ...we are all still patiently waiting for the day when the people from world's oldest continuing culture, holding the same legal rights as a rock on a track before 1967, the traditional owners of this land, are at least acknowledged in the Constitution of Australia as part of the development of a treaty and edge closer to true reconciliation.

Yep - we are all still waiting ....

10 Feb 2014

Mundoe Site, Mangrove Road, Narara

Mundoe Site, Narara
This engraving site leads and points towards another important sacred engraving site containing a form of Daramulan associated with Guringai Country. This human mundoe is quite distinctively different from the Baiame Footprints nearby. Interestingly an Emu Spirit figure, normally associated with Darkingjung Nation is also present as is an echidna engraving identical to those present at Mona Vale Rd, Ingelside and Forestway, Belrose.