Yep ...we are all still patiently waiting for the day when the people from world's oldest continuing culture, holding the same legal rights as a rock on a track before 1967, the traditional owners of this land, are at least acknowledged in the Constitution of Australia as part of the development of a treaty and edge closer to true reconciliation.

Yep - we are all still waiting ....

13 Jul 2016

Lyrebird Site, Terrey Hills, Garigal National Park

Large Kangaroo

Detail of platform

Main Engraving Platform
This site is known as the Lyrebird Site. The Lyrebird engraving was not clearly visible at this time. This site is not easily reached and possibly quite dangerous to attempt outside of winter. The last attempt was aborted due to a Tiger Snake in a tree about 1.5 metres above the ground. 

To access the site you will need to reach the main Terrey Hills Hunting Engraving Site west of Larool Road, follow the creek downstream and cross it, head west and then follow the large rock cliff formation line to the north west before engaging in a short but demanding hill climb to continue north across patches of hanging swamp and several scattered rock platforms.